ABL IN-PERSON Focused Workshop - in OC on January 23

AI Wave

Supercharging Your Company's AI Game -

to Surf Instead of Sink in the AI Growth Wave


fellow ABL Tech & Healthcare Members


January 23, from 9:30 am to 3 pm

in Orange County


Speakers for Nov 14 Event

Ali Payani, founder of Payani Group on using AI for growth marketing;
Greg Lebsack, on Using AI for Exponential Business Growth;
Thomas Leffler, President of  Project Insight, on sharing his "AI-in-Healthtech" Project Management perspective;
Satnam Gambhir, CEO of Envision Financial Systems, on AI for Initial Issues Management;
Marisa Brutoco, Sheppard Mullin Partner (formerly in-house counsel at Google, Amazon and Apple) and Member of SM's Technology Transactions Team, on how AI is transforming Content, Technology, and Related Legal Issues;
and ABL's Bob Kelley making the Positioning Presentation and Panel Moderator.

You - and your people - are probably personally using AI in your work. Increasingly, the real challenge will be better designing, developing, and adapting newer AI-enhanced workflow business processes than those your competitors are already using. Whether your business is organizationally in technology or healthcare, supercharging your various business workflow processes will be the key to surviving the Sunami of competitors' communications, processes, and products coming to your marketplaces.

During this provocative session you'll experience presentations from our panel of experts (above) who are already supercharging their business planning and processes with AI and other related tools. You'll be able to listen, discuss, and meet with them - and the others who'll be with us for this special event, featuring a great panel of speakers, lunch, a Round Table, and a half-hour of personal networking time (9:30-10 & 2:30-3) before and after the core event. (Plus, feel encouraged to schedule meetings with fellow Round Table and Organization Members you'd like to meet with privately in a Sheppard Mullin huddle room.)

So RSVP Today to daisy@abl.org

Daisy Martinez, Member Services Coordinator
Daisy@abl.org | www.ABL.Org
20232 Morristown Cir., Huntington Beach, CA 92646

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